Follow the footsteps and stories of the slaves, washerwomen, the drosters’ hideouts, the quarrymen and the spice millers.
Discover the haunted ruins, a spot where the Magic Ring was lost, the waterfall and springs that once supplied the City with drinking water and the magical views of Table Bay from the Platteklip.
Choose from a one way or circular route departing at Deer Park Café or Will’s Café & Deli at Homestead Park.
The Tour distance and duration is about 3-4km mostly downhill and 1,5 to 2 hours. It is suitable for most. Closed footgear is recommended.
Bring: A light wind jacket depending on the season, a camera and a sense of adventure.
This tour is for group bookings only. The cost depends on the group size.
This Tour is suitable for Teambuilding, School outings, Treasure Hunts and Full Moon walks.