Louis Leipoldt’s grave can be found in close proximity to the historic town of Clanwilliam. Hidden along the Pakhuis Pass keep a look out for a board indicating where this spot is. Above the grave on a flesh-coloured rock you’ll find rock art done by the San many, many years ago. Who was he?
An Englishman’s grave is found in a lonely spot just before the turnoff to Wupperthal mission village in the Cederberg. Lt Graham Vinicombe Winchester Clowes lies buried here after being killed on the 30th January 1901 in a skirmish with a Boer commando. Clowes’ family was devastated by his death and his mother travelled from her home in Hertfordshire and had the gravestone constructed over the simple hole where her son had been buried. For many years, Mrs. Clowes made an annual visit to the grave to lay a wreath on her son’s grave. A considerable challenge when you consider that it would have involved five weeks at sea in both directions and a day’s drive in the searing heat of the Cederberg in January!