Wesgro’s Export Advancement Promotion Programme 2018 kicks-off in May

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Wesgro’s Export Advancement Promotion Programme 2018 kicks-off in May
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Wesgro’s Export Advancement Promotion Programme 2018 kicks-off in May
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15 May 2018

The EAP is designed to provide companies with the necessary tools and technical assistance to build competitive capacity and allow entry or expansion into key international markets.

A key objective of the programme is to broaden the export base of Cape Town and the Western Cape through stimulating job creation and promoting broader participation of Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) in the global economy.

The basic criteria required to take part in the programme includes: companies registered within the Western Cape; have a product or service that is currently being supplied to the domestic market; have been in business for at least two years and have a reasonable turnover. Certain sections within the EAP require additional criteria.

The programme consists of four elements: Export Training, Export Mentorship, Export Seminars and Outward Selling Missions.

The first export training session for the financial year begins from the 14th to 22nd May at Wesgro. There are 28 companies that are participating in this round of training however, companies are continuously recruited for the different phases of the programme.

“This highly-subsidised series of training workshops which comprises of five full days, enables companies to increase their competitiveness in the international arena,” explains Denan Kuni, Wesgro’s Head of International Trade and Development.

“Companies will also be given the tools to implement sound strategies and processes in their businesses that will enable them to exploit international market opportunities and widen their reach from the local market.”

Priority markets identified for the EAP in the 2018/2019 financial year include: South Korea, Malaysia, France, UK and Colombia.

The programme is also being extended to municipalities in the Western Cape as part of Wesgro’s broader outreach to Western Cape municipalities. Recently, Saldanha Bay municipality expressed a need for export training for companies in that region. On 2 February 2018, Wesgro’s Trade Unit conducted an International Trade Awareness Workshop where the service offerings of the Unit were presented including the offerings under the EAP.

Following this engagement and together with officials from Saldanha Bay Municipality, 21 companies were recruited for the export training that was held at the beginning of May. This will be followed by one-on-one mentorship sessions with individual companies.

Wesgro CEO, Tim Harris, commented: "Up to 106 companies were trained in the 2017/2018 programme. This number will certainly increase this year as the EAP will now offer export training related to Halal exports. This will ultimately serve to boost our local economy and most importantly, facilitate job creation.”

Issued by Wesgro Media Team, 14 May 2018


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