The following City beaches were awarded full Blue Flag status for the summer season period, from. 1 December 2017 to 31 January 2018:
1. Bikini Beach
2. Mnandi Beach
3. Strandfontein Beach
4. Muizenberg Beach
5. Fish Hoek Beach
6. Llandudno
7. Camps Bay Beach
8. Clifton 4th Beach
9. Melkbosstrand
10. Silwerstroomstrand (mid-December to mid-January)
Seaforth Beach, meanwhile, was awarded pilot Blue Flag status for the summer season. This means it will be considered for full Blue Flag status if certain criteria are met within a specified period of time.
Blue Flag is an international accreditation awarded to beaches that display excellence through meeting 33 criteria covering four categories: environmental education and information, water quality, environmental management, and safety and services.
Three marinas also achieved Blue Flag status. They are the Water Club at Granger Bay, Harbour Island, and the False Bay Yacht Club. Blue Flag marinas help to ensure better business opportunities for tourism enterprises, while promoting economic development in the boat-building industry, thus creating job opportunities.
The Western Cape has achieved the highest number of Blue Flag sites this year, with 28 of the 44 beaches, all 11 boats (tourism boats that do environmental tours and educational programmes), and six of the seven Blue Flag marinas falling in the province. This is an increase of three Blue Flag boats from the previous season, and one additional marina.